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40 Jahre Ägypten und Altes Testament (ÄAT)

Symposium zum 40. Jubiläum der Buchreihe ÄGYPTEN UND ALTES TESTAMENT (ÄAT) im Staatlichen Museum Ägyptischer Kunst München und Institut für Ägyptologie und Koptologie der LMU

06.12.2019 – 07.12.2019

The series AEGYPTEN UND ALTES TESTAMENT (“Egypt and the Old Testament“, abbrev. ÄAT or AeAT) was established in 1979 by Manfred Görg (1938-2012). His intention was to provide an easily accessible, low-threshold medium for academic publications at low cost, for Egyptologists and Biblical scholars alike. It has been addressing junior scholars as well as established, notable dignitaries in their fields.
By today, AeAT’s spectrum covers the philological, art historical, and archaeological branches of Egyptology, as well as Old Testament exegesis, the archaeology, glyptics and epigraphy of Israel/Palestine and neighboring regions such as Sinai and Transjordan, literature and history of religions, from the Bronze Ages up to Greco-Roman and early Christian periods, as well as relevant aspects of research history.

We celebrate 40 YEARS ÄAT and its first 100 volumes with a symposium "EGYPT AND THE OLD TESTAMENT" to be held in Munich on 6-7 Dec 2019. The proceedings will be published as ÄAT volume 100.

Stefan Jakob Wimmer and Wolfgang Zwickel (ÄAT editors)

Further information and programme

Please register: stefan.wimmer@uni-muenchen.de